Neck Pain Treatment

If you are experiencing neck pain due to an auto accident or a condition, the discomfort can limit your range of motion and affect your quality of life. Along with that, the pain can become chronic if it is not treated on time. At Lynch Chiropractic Center in Lexington, KY, we offer various treatments to reduce your aches and help you feel your best. Before you visit us, take a look at some causes of neck pain below:


Causes of Neck Pain

  • Poor posture
  • Arthritis
  • Auto accident injury
  • Sports injury
  • Misalignments
  • Whiplash
  • Herniated disc
  • Muscle strain

Treatment for Neck Pain

When you visit us, we will discuss your symptoms and perform a thorough evaluation to learn more about your condition. Once we determine the root cause of your neck pain, we can create a treatment plan for your specific needs. The fundamental method for neck pain treatment is a chiropractic adjustment.

Your spine is made of three basic components. In the center is the spinal cord, which is a nerve communicates signals from your brain to the rest of the body. To protect such a vital organ, the spinal column surrounds the spinal cord and is designed to be flexible as well as tough. The spinal cord is also made of a series of alternating rings known as vertebrae and discs. The discs shield the vertebrae and prevent them from rubbing against each other and against the spinal cord. In a properly functioning body, each vertebra and each disc have a specific place, and while the whole spine can bend, flex, and move, they remain in their place.

When you encounter a sports injury, personal injury, or an auto accident, the vertebrae or discs can become misalignment. As a result, they can compress the nerves in the spinal cord and lead to inflammation and pain. To reduce your discomfort, our chiropractor will perform a spinal adjustment. During the treatment, pressure is applied to the spine and other joints to move the joints and discs back into their proper place. While you may notice relief after your first session, you may need additional appointments to heal fully.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you have neck pain is affecting your daily life, our team at Lynch Chiropractic Center in Lexington, KY, can help. With the right treatment, we can ease your symptoms so you can return to your normal routine quickly. To schedule your initial consultation, call our office at (859) 266-1999 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we are happy to assist!
