New Patient Health History Form

Marital Status
Prefered Language
Are you covered by Health Insurance?

If any sections below are left blank, “NONE” will be the default answer

List any Allergies
List any Surgeries
List All Past Medical History conditions for YOURSELF (not family members)
List Type of Medications you are taking
List your Family History
Have you had chiropractic care in the past?
Where X-rays taken?
Have you had any auto or other accidents?


Do you smoke?
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you drink caffeine?
Do you exercise?
Are you pregnant?
Main reason for consulting the office:


How is your condition changing?
Have you had this condition in the past?
How often do you experience your symptoms?
Describe the nature of your symptoms
Please rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (0= no pain and 10= excruciating pain)
How is your condition changing?
Have you had this condition in the past?
How often do you experience your symptoms?
Describe the nature of your symptoms
Please rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (0= no pain and 10= excruciating pain)
How is your condition changing?
Have you had this condition in the past?
How often do you experience your symptoms?
Describe the nature of your symptoms
Please rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (0= no pain and 10= excruciating pain)

Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI).
